
Moving to Selenium 2 on WebDriver, Part No.1

I am in the process of trying to move code of some test to the Selenium 2 WebDriver. This is the first part of series of short articles about how to "translate" old Selenium API to the WebDriver-based one.

In following, let's state that xpathLocator is Selenium 1 locator, while xpathFinder is more or less By.xpath(xpathLocator),selenium is instance of Selenium, driver is instance of WebDriver (FirefoxDriver).

Is an element present on a page ?

Selenium 1:

Selenium 2:

Get HTML source of a page

Selenium 1:

Selenium 2:

Is a text present on a page ?

Selenium 1:

Selenium 2:

Go to relative URL
The relativeUrl is URL relative to initial URL, i.e. without the "http://hostname".

Selenium 1:

Selenium 2:
driver.get( initialUrl + relativeUrl );

This call is blocking, i.e. further processing is stopped until the page is loaded.

To open an URL relative to the currently used  one, use  driver.getCurrentUrl():
driver.get( driver.getCurrentUrl() + relativeUrl );

Is an element visible on a page?

Selenium 1:

Selenium 2:
driver.findElement(location) instanceof RenderedWebElement


  1. There is a problem with your list above.


    is not the same as


    as the first one removes all HTML tags, but the second doesn't. So if text is "Hello abc", but on the page it is actually "Hello <em>abc</em>", the first one would work, but the second wouldn't.

    I might be wrong here as I don't have a working Selenium 1 anymore to test it.

  2. Agreed. I'm still looking for a reliable isTextPresent replacement in Selenium2

  3. During the transition of our code base all the occurrences of isTextPresent() were replaced with custom waitForElementVisible() - it better reflected desired semantics for our pages full of AJAX.

    I wrote also wait for JavaScript expression to evaluate to true or wait for element attribute (or content) to have given value - I believe it could be used to reimplement isTextPresent() if it had been demanded.
